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this isn't based on the U.S. Constitution, but the two are very similar . The U.S. const, and the Australian Const

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The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and Petition of Right.

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The constitution is based on The Magna Carta, The English Bill of Rights, The Magna Carta, and The Mayflower Compact.

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Q: What constitutions are based on the US Constitution?
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The various state constitutions resemble the US constitution in that they give rights and freedoms to the people in that state. The difference is that state constitutions are much more specific compared to the general US constitution. Also most state constitutions have been amended thousands of times, where as the US constitution has 27 amendments. Rights and Freedoms to citizens are the similarities More specific and more easily changed are the differences

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One main differnece between the US Constitution and state constitutions is that state constitutions?

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What guaranteed by most states constitutions?

The original Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.

Was guaranteed by most state constitutions?

The original Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.