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Q: The curies established the use of radiation therapy for what two things?
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Who made the first X-ray?

X-Rays were discovered by Roentgen. See the attached link for a brief article. to prior answer- Marie Curies discovered many things in the field of radiation, but not X-Rays.

What were Marie curies family like?

Marie's Family was nice. They always did things with eachother

What uses come from the discovery of radioactivity?

many things. x-rays, Radiation Therapy (treating cancer), a lot of things medically like sterilizing. causing mutations, nuclear plants, dating rocks...

How do chemotherapy and radiation therapy act as treatments for cancer?

Chemotherapy: It involves the use of highly specific drugs, which bind to specific receptors on the target cells, i.e., the cancerous cells and infected cells. However, this technique is more effective in case of proliferating tumours, i.e., live dividing cells. Radiation therapy: It acts on tumour cells by killing them directly, it being cytotoxic. Due to this reason, chemotherapy is always given prior to radiation therapy, and never after that.

What things are electromagnetic radiation emitting from?

Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from many different things. Some of the things that emit electromagnetic radiation are microwaves, x-rays and radios.

What things have radiation?

my farts

Good things about radiation?

Chemo radiation kill cancer cells.

What causes tingling?

Tingling can be caused by a variety of things. Poor blood supply to an affected area, insect or animal bite, and carpal tunnel syndrome are some reason for tingling. Radiation therapy can cause tingling too.

What are the things with radiation?

radioactive elements

What things give off UV radiation apart from the sun?

you have to use a radiation machine

A person exposed to radiation has no chance of survival?

false because sunlight has radiation and all living things like humans has radiation

How can you cook things using radiation?
