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Peyer's patches

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Q: The distal portion of the small intestine contains clumps of lymph follicles called?
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Related questions

What is the first portion of the intestine called?

The cecum is the first portion of the large intestine.

The first part of the small intestine is called?

The first portion of the small intestine is a small curved portion called "duodenum".

What portion of the peritoneum attached to the small intestine is called?


What is the lower portion of the large intestine called?

anal canal

Where is plant matter digested?

In your small intestine, a portion called the duodenum.

Last and longest portion of the small intestine?

The ileum is the longest part in the small intestine. It has a length of around 2-4m. It is the last section in the small intestine.

The last stretch of the large intestine before it exists at the anus?

The small intestine- duodenum, jejuneum, and ileum.

What is the first portion of the large intestine called?

The s-shaped portion of the large intestine is called the sigmoid colon. Sigmoid comprises two parts: sigma(the Greek letter S) and the suffix -oid (which means like or similar to). Thus, sigmoid means similar to an S.

What portion of the large intestine connects to the small intestine?

The small intestine connects to the large intestine about a hands length beneath the liver. The portion of the S.I. is called the ileum and the portion it joins to is the cecum. A sphincter connects the two, preventing back flow. Below the junction is the appendix, which is essentially the tapering off of the large intestine into a rat tail like shape. Matter is supposed to continue up through this part of L.I. hence it's named the ascending colon.

What is the portion of large intestine on the right side called?

it is the ascending colon the middle is transferse colon and the left is descending

What are the primordial follicles stimulated to develop into primary follicles by the hormone called?

This is called estrogen.

What is the portion of the DNA molecule that contains the information for making 1 protein?

That is called a gene.