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The electron cloud is a volume of space around an atomic nucleus. It comprises of a space of probability. It is the volume of space where electrons can "probably" be found, or have a probability of being found.

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in the nucleus

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Q: The probable location of an electron in an electron cloud is where?
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Which does not described the relationship between the nucleus and the electron cloud of an atom?

The masses of the nucleus and electron cloud are balanced

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You think probable to electron configuration.

What is defined as the most probable in the electron cloud orbital?


The region of space where electrons of a certain energy move about the nucleus of an atom?

You think probable to the electron clouds.

What is a sentence with electron cloud?

The electron cloud around the nucleus of an atom includes probable locations rather than precise orbitals.Atoms with larger atomic numbers have a larger electron cloud, or system of orbitals.

The quantum model suggests that electrons?

the quantum mechanical model determines the allowed energies an electron can have and how likely it is to find the electron in various locations around the nucleus.

The electron cloud is a visual model of the probable locations of electrons in an atom is this true?

Yes, it is only a probable representation.

What is often thought of as a region of space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron?

Electron Cloud

How do the energy and the most probable location of an electron in the third shell of an atom compare to the energy and the most probable location of an electron in the first shell of the same atom?

in the third shell, an electron has more energy and is further from the nucleus

When was electron cloud model first described?

Very probable Hantaro Nagaoka in 1904.

Of atomic structure describe the most probable location of an electron in relation to the nucleus of an atom?

In a shell at a distance form the atomic nucleus. The Electron Cloud

What is the name of the location that surrounds the nucleus?

the electron cloud