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Q: The element most commonly used as a fuel in nuclear fission reaction is?
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Related questions

What element is needed to make a nuclear weapon?

Uranium makes for an excellent element for nuclear fission. Hydrogen is most commonly used for nuclear fusion.

What type of reaction happens in a nuclear power plant?

Nuclear fission

What is splitting of atomic nuclei?

FISSION. nobody on this website knows the answer..... SHAME

What do all nuclear fission reactions produce?

All the nuclear fissions produce smaller elements from the larger element and few neutrons so that the fission reaction is continuously carried out.

What particle is used to start nuclear fission?

In actuality, a spontaneous fission event begins a nuclear chain reaction. It kick starts a nuclear chain reaction. And a neutron from that fission will initiate another fission to continue and rev up that nuclear chain reaction.

What is it called when nuclear fission is repeated?

It is called nuclear chain fission reaction.

In a nuclear fission reaction a freely moving neutron?

In a nuclear fission reaction, a freely moving neutron undergoes neutron capture and initiates the nuclear fission of a fuel atom.

Fission and fusion is an example of what kind of energy?

One type of atom (element or isotope) is converted to another. This is called nuclear reaction.

Where does the reaction occur in nuclear fission?

Nuclear energy

What is the most common nuclear reaction?

Nuclear fission.

What term describes the reaction process in a fission reaction?

another name for nuclear fission is: E=MC squared

What type of reaction happens inside a nuclear plant?

A nuclear chain reaction nuclear fission