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Q: The existence of the parent-subsidiary relationship is based on the control criterion Outline and explain the important elements of this criterion?
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The relationship between current assets and current liabilities is important in evaluating a company's?


Why are ethics and social responsibilities valuable to business organizations?

Ethics and social responsibility are important for people because, without them, existence is more difficult, inefficient and unpleasant. They are equally important to organizations, for this same reason. Also, they often translate into higher profits and a better working environment.

Definition of risk return relationship?

the risk that is inherent simply by engaging in business with a third party. Any relationship with a vendor is inherently risky-a supplier, for example, may not deliver its goods per the contract terms, thus leaving your company without the (potentially important) product. Assessing relationship risk is essential in managing your vendors, especially the ones that are key to your company's successful operation.

What is the important of contingent liabilities and commitment?

Knowledge of both contingencies and commitments is extremely important to users of financial statements because they represent the encumbrance of potentially material amounts of resources during future periods, and thus affect the future cash flows available to creditors and investors. Because of this, generally accepted accounting principles require that material contingencies and commitments be disclosed. The auditor has an obligation to discover the existence of such items to assure that they are properly disclosed in order to have complied with generally accepted auditing standards.

Why memo is important?

cause its important

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