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Limitations are put on your individual rights in order to protect the rights of others.

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Q: The first amendment does not guarantee absolute freedoms or rights because?
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What was the law that made it illegal to speak against the governmen?

Nothing it is legal to this day because of the five freedoms in the first amendment

How is the First Amendment different from the other amendments?

The First Amendment is different from the other amendments because it provides for important rights or freedoms, which are freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and expression. It also gives people the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The First Amendment also makes it illegal to make any laws that inhibit any of these expressed freedoms.

What is the importance of the first amendment?

The 1st Amendment was created to protect the freedoms of the American people. These freedoms include establishment and practice of religion, free speech, free press, and the rights to assemble and petition. It was written because some of the people who came to America left Europe to try to find these freedoms; protecting them in the Constitution means that these rights cannot be taken away.

What was the purpose of the Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

The purpose of the 15th Amendment was to stop the states from denying anyone the right to vote because of race or color or because the person had once been a slave.

Why was the bill of writes written?

the first bill because On December 15, 1791, ten amendments were added to the Constitution. These amendments guarantee certain freedoms and rights, so they are known as the Bill of Rights.

Why is the first amendment important to you?

Why are freedoms in the First Amendment important for people in a democracy?

Why do we have the first amendment?

The first amendment (known as the Bill of Rights) was a compromise between Federalist states and Anti-Federalist states, therefore allowing the new Constitution to be passed. Anti-Federalist wanted rights and restrictions to be put on the Constitution because there was no guarantee to them. Federalists argued that the rights listed were implied. Obviously the Anti-Federalists got what they wanted.

What is the firts amendment?

More than a constitutional protection against governmental interference with the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and or a guarantee of the separation of church and state, the First Amendment is one of the nation's fundamental normative and cultural symbols. It reflects vital attributes of the American character and is the cornerstone of the nation's liberty. The First Amendment is known and cherished by virtually all citizens, who comprehend its essence even if they may not be able to recite its precise phrasing.

Why does the first amendment not guarantee absolute freedom or rights?

Yes. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Why did the radical republicans in congress turn to constitutional amendment to guarantee the rights of African Americans?

because if they secured their rights in an amendment, then they can essentially "use" or "gain" more votes for the officials they wanted because the Republicans (North) had secured their rights which ultimately made the African Americans happy/ falter away from the Southerns who had used them as slaves.

How would a mandatory voting law be affected by the first amendments guarantee of the freedom of speech?

A mandatory voting law would be violating the first amendment because we as a people have the right to vote or not vote, which is guaranteed to us in the first amendment. Forcing us to vote would take our freedom away.

What amendment was repealed by amendment 21?

Amendment 18 and it was because amendment 18 prohibited alcohol and they had to make amendment 21 to cancel out amendment 18.