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'..... is measured on the Richter scale.'
Transform Fault Boundaries.
the plate of the earth pushes opposite

directions and that causes the earth to shake

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Q: The force of an earthquake is?
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IS Earthquake is force or motion?

An earthquake is a force craking in the air.

What is a constructive force of a nature?

A earthquake

What is a stress force that squeezes rock?

an earthquake

What instrument measures the force of an earthquake?

A seismograph

What was the force of the Christchurch earthquake?

6.3 Magnitude

How do you stop an earthquake?

You cannot stop an earthquake. It is a force of nature over which man has no control. All man can do is prepare for an earthquake, and ensure his buildings are as stable as they possibly can be.

Why is an earthquake a destructive force?

Becuase it cause more damage

What genre is earthquake by family force 5?

Christian / Alternative

Could an earthquake split a mountain in half?

it mabey can cause the earthquake to if it is moving fast but if not i wont cause of its less force.

Does moscow have earthquake?

Moscow is threatened with an earthquake. Next years (it is not known when exactly) a Richter 5-6 force earthquake could happen in Moscow. To be more exact, that should be the echo of an earthquake in Carpathian Mountains.

Which natural force probably caused the hill to flow into the town?

an earthquake

What drives the force of earthquake activity?