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St. Ignatius of Loyola

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Q: The founder of the religious order known as jesuits was?
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Who was St. Ignatius Loyola?

St. Ignatius of Loyola was a priest and founder of the religious order called the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.

Which religious order is most strongly associated with the Catholic Counter Reformation?

The Jesuits, also known as the Society of Jesus, were the most strongly associated religious order with the Catholic Counter Reformation. They were known for their missionary work, education, and strong loyalty to the Pope in combating the Protestant Reformation.

What is the difference in jesuits and Franciscans?

Missionaries spread the religious order by preaching and Jesuits by doing.

What is the largest religious order?

The Society of Jesus comprised of the Jesuits.

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Are the Jesuits the same as the Vatican Church of Rome?

The Jesuits are a religious order of priests within the Catholic Church as opposed to secular (parish or diocesan) priests who belong to no particular religious order.

What was the new religious order founded by the Catholic Church to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith?

The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.

The religious order that has especially focused on teaching and scholarship is?


What religious order did Pope Francis join?

He joined the Society of Jesus - the Jesuits.

Who was the religious order that has especially focused on teachings and scholarships?

The Jesuits focus on education.

Was Saint Lucy the founder of any religious order?

No, Lucy founded no religious order.