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No, a tendon attaches a muscle to bone. A ligament attaches a bone to another bone.

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The function of a tendon is to attach a muscle to a bone.

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Q: A tendon attaches one bone to another?
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Broad flat sheet of a tendon that attaches one skeletal muscle to another?


A tendon connects one bone to another true or false?

The answer is False. The tendon Connects muscle to the bone.

What type of tissue attaches one bone to another?

Tendons and/or legaments

What does infraspinatus tendinopathy mean?

The Infraspinatus is one of the four rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder that helps to stabilize and rotate the arm. A tendon is where the muscle attaches to bone. Tendinopathy is a general term meaning injury or disease to a tendon. So Infraspinatus tendinopathy would mean some kind of damage or disease to the Infraspinatus muscle near the area where it attaches to the bone.

What bursae are found where one tendon overlies another tendon?

what bursae is found when one tendon crosses another tendon

What dense connective tissue attaches muscle to bone?

Skeletal muscle is the type attached to bones.

Who discovered tendonitis?

No one knows who discovered tendonitis. Tendonitis is an inflammation of tendons causing pain in that area. A tendon is a thick fibrous chord that attaches muscle to bone.

What are fibrous bands that connect muscle to bones?

A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone. A tendon is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fascia as they are both made of collagen, except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fascia connect muscles to other muscles. Tendons and muscles work together and can only exert a pulling force. At each end of a muscle, the collagen fibers come together to form a bundle of fibers called a tendon that attaches them to bones. If it forms a broad tendinous sheet it is called an aponeurosis.

What tiny round specks of bone found in a tendon are often called what bone?


How are tendons associated with the muscular system?

It is the tough, fibrous tendons that actually attach the muscle to the bones of the skeleton. Generally, tendons attach to at least two different bones to create a lever for the muscles to act upon - the tendons at one end of the muscle belly being attached to one bone, and at the other end, the tendon/s attaches to the other bone. The fibrous tissue surrounding the muscle is all continuous with the tendon at each end.

What is mild ligament thinning?

You ligament is elastic tissue that attaches one bone to another. The ligament over time can lose its elasticity and can become thin causing bone to rub together and cause pain.

Why are tendons important to a muscle's ability to move a bone?

Tendons are merely the end parts of muscles - at either end, generally comprising tough connective tissue that is also continuous throughout the muscle bounding the muscle and holding it together throughout. Effectively, each muscle acts over a joint and possesses 2 ends; these ends are the tendinous parts of the muscle - or tendons. One tendon is attached to one bone of the joint over which the muscle acts, the other tendon attaches to the other bone involved - the bones, in this sense, act as levers - the 'fulcrum' or pivoting point being the joint arrangement itself, which is between the 2 tendons of the muscle arrangement. A ready Example might be the [frontal] 'quadriceps' muscle at the front of the knee: The muscle tendon at the upper end of the body attaches to the large femur (upper leg) bone. The tendon at the lower end attaches to the lower leg bone or tibia, but at its upper end (just below the knee cap). The large quad muscles contract in length such that they bulk out at the front as a result; and this contraction or shortening of length of the muscle at the front of the knee joint causes the leg to be straightened out. Many tendons are found in and around joints and also assist in the stabilization of the joint.