

The largest wave on a seismogram are?

Updated: 5/16/2022
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Josianne Prohaska

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Q: The largest wave on a seismogram are?
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What words have the root seismo?

seismogram seismograph seismic wave seismology

How are earthquakes measured against the Richter scale?

the Richter scale depends on the amplitude of the largest seismic wave recorded on a seismogram . A ten-fold increase in the amplitude is registered as an increase of 1 on the Richter scale.

Which wave is the largest in the electrocardiogram?

The largest wave is the R

Is seismogram common or proper noun?

Seismogram is a proper noun.When you type Seismogram you capitilize the S.

Is the first wave in a tsunami wave train the largest?

no it is not the largest.

Distance from epicenter?

According to the chart, this earthquake's epicenter was 215 kilometers away. Measure the amplitude of the strongest wave. The amplitude is the height (on paper) of the strongest wave. On this seismogram, the amplitude is 23 millimeters.

What is the tracing of earthquake motion made by a seismograph called?

the motion is called seismogram

What is the difference between a seismograph and a seismogram?

Most of vibrations can be detected and recorded by sensitive instruments called seismograph, or seismometers. The record produced by a seismometer is called a seismogram.

How do scientists locate the epicenter of an earthquake by s-p time method?

They first collect several seismogram tracings of the same earthquake from different locations. Then the seismograms are placed on a time distance graph. The seismogram tracing of the first p wave is lined up with the p wave time distance curve. The difference from each station from the earth quake can be found by reading the horizontal axis. After finding out the distance, a seismologist can locate an earthquake's epicenter.

Seismograph and seismogram?

a seismograph records the pattern of shcok waves on a revolving drum of paper.ans tracing on the paper is known as seismogram

What is a seismogram and what is it used to find?
