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Many medical tests require the blood to be centrifuged prior to analysis. However, the hematocrit is completed after only the centrifuging process. The hematocrit measures the volume of the formed elements of the blood as a percentage of whole blood volume.

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Q: The medical test in which a centrifuge is used to separate whole blood into formed elements and a liquid fraction is called?
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The centrifuge spins using centrifugal force and is used in many medical laboratory tests.

The difference of centrifuge and test tube?

A tapered and specially-engineered test tube specifically for centrifuge work, designed to resist the high G-forces induced by the centrifugal forces. They are mainly used in medical work to centrifuge human blood for test purposes. despite all the potential hazards I have never heard of a centrifuge accident or explosion if used properly with all safety devices employed. there was a tale in a Gotham paper of a centrifuge (Open and uncovered) blowing up with an induced chemical reactionk, certtainly not SOP. a teacher or student had some mild splash burns.

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Poisonous element once used to treat medical conditions?

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