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Oxidation number

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Q: What is name given to the number of electrons an atom gains loses or shares?
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Does AS3- lose or gain electrons?

The ion given is formed when the neutral arsenic atom gains three electrons.

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What do you mean by bonus share?

Free shares of stock given to current shareholders, based upon the number of shares that a shareholder owns. While this stock action increases the number of shares owned, it does not increase the total value. This is due to the fact that since the total number of shares increases, the ratio of number of shares held to number ofshares outstanding remains constant.

What are the numbers of protons and electrons in an atom?

The number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom are the same and given by the element's atomic number.

The atomic number of an element tells the?

atomic number tells us the number of protons and electrons in the given atom. As Atomic No. = no. of protons = No. of electrons

How are the cataions and anaions formed?

we know that a atom needs 8 electrons in valance shell to or octet configuration ; duplet (2 electrons in outer most shell) , if an atom have atomic number 11 that is sodium and it can be written has 2,8,1 and it losses 1 electron to get duplet confg. as electrons are decreased they become positive ion or cations . anions are formed when number of electrons are increased by gaining electron to get given confg. ex: oxygen , atomic number 8 and written as 2,6 and it gains 2 electrons for octect confg.This is how ions are formed.

How do you find the mass number given the proton electrons and atomic number but not the neutrons?

The mass number of an atom is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. This is is the same as the number of electrons plus the number of neutrons since the number of protons is the same as the number of electrons in an atom.

How are the elements wth in a row different?

As you move across the periodic table from left to right, the elements within a given row have their electrons in the same energy level (given by the number of the row they are in). They way they differ is by the number of electrons. Moving from left to right, the number of electrons increase.

Which number tells you the number of valence electrons?

The group numbers tell the number of valence electrons. Without looking on the group number you can also tell the number of valence electrons by looking at the highest energy level in the electronic configuration.

How do you calculate the number of protons neutrons and electrons of an atom?

The charge of an ion can be calculated by adding up the protons and subtracting the electrons. When oxygen with 8 protons has 8 electrons it is neutral, when it has 7 electrons it is positively charged.

The Roman numeral at the top of a column on the periodic table indicates the number of?

They represent the valance electrons in each element. Roman numerals do no represent the valence electrons but it is the group number given by mendeleef.

Anion and cation?

cations are positively charged ions that are produced when an atom loses electrons and anions are negatively charged ions that are produced when an atom gains electrons. we know that a atom needs 8 electrons in valance shell to or octet configuration ; duplet (2 electrons in outer most shell) , if an atom have atomic number 11 that is sodium and it can be written has 2,8,1 and it losses 1 electron to get duplet confg. as electrons are decreased they become positive ion or cations . anions are formed when number of electrons are increased by gaining electron to get given confg. ex: oxygen , atomic number 8 and written as 2,6 and it gains 2 electrons for octect confg.