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Q: The name of Christopher Columbus's 1st voyage?
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How was Christopher Columbus first visit when he came back from Spain?

What did the people of Spain do when Christopher Columbus came back from his 1st voyage

Who sent Christopher on his 1st voyage?

Nobody actually sent him. He wanted to find a faster route to Asia so he asked kings and queens to fund him. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave him the money and Christopher promised them riches to spread Christianity around.

What do you you call a ship on its 1st voyage?

A ship on its first voyage is a ship that is on its maiden voyage.

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When did Jacques cartier explore?

His 1st voyage was in May 1534

What year was Christopher birthday?

October 1st 1998

When did Henry Hudson's first voyage end?

1611 that's when Henry Hudson's voyage ended all of them idkk when his 1st voyage ended but all of them together ended at 1611 yeahhh

Which year did vasco de gama explore?

1st voyage 1497-1499 2nd voyage 1502-arrived to Calicut in very that year 3rd voyage 1524-died in very that year

When did Jacques Cartier explore the Atlantic coat of North America?

1st voyage in 1534 and 2nd voyage in 1535. He was believed to take a voyage somewhere between 1524-1527 hut that has never been proved.

What was the sims 2 bon voyage release date?

1874 1st of august. dahh...!!...

What did Simon fraser do?

Simon Fraser Went Exploring The Fraser River And He Did Not Do His 2nd Voyage Because After The 1st Voyage,He Died.(Died In 1862)

Who explored cuba bahama's and hispaniola?

Christopher Columbus landed on Cuba on his 1st and 4th voyages to the New World.