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Q: What makes pancreatic juice and insulin to regulate blood sugar?
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What 2 secretions does it produce the pancreas?

Insulin and pancreatic juice Insulin is used to control blood sugar levels while pancreatic juice is a mixture of enzymes and buffers that helps digestion.

Where insulin and pancreatic juice produced?

In the pancreas

Where insulin and pancreatic juice are produce?

In the pancreas

What chemical does the pancreas release?

The pancreatic beta islets produce insulin. Alfa cells produce glucagon. Insulin and glucogon produce a homeostatic method to produce normal blood glucose levels.

What is the pancreas responsible for?

for producing insulin,glucagon and pancreatic juice

Is enterokinase a component of pancreatic juice?

No; insulin is not considered part of pancreatic juice. Pancreatic juice is one of the two types of secretions that come from the pancreas. The juice is mostly water, but also contains important substances such as bicarbonate (a buffer used to decrease acidity), salt, and pancreatic enzymes (to digest food). A hormone called secretin stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice, which enters the small intestine to have its main effect. The other major pancreatic secretions are hormonal. These include insulin, glucagon, and others. These hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream, as opposed to being secreted into the small intestine like the pancreatic juice. Insulin secretion is regulated by blood sugar levels.

Where is pancreatic juice produced?

The pancreas! This remarkable organ does two things, the first is that it makes pancreatic 'juice' to directly assist with the digestion process in the small intestine; the second is that is also makes insulin, which goes into the blood to regulate blood sugar levels.

What do pancreatic islets produce?

The pancreas is one of the digestive system's organ and a vertebrate endocrine system. It produces a secret liquid pancreatic juice which contains an enzymes including chymotrypsinogen, elastase trypsinogen, nucleases etc.

What is one enzyme found in the pancreatic juice?

what are three names of enzymes found in pancreatic juices?

What is the role of the pancreas?

The pancreas has two main roles: 1.) Producing digestive enzymes 2.) Producing hormones such as insulin and glucagon.

The pancreas produces what kind of juice?

The pancreas is located in the abdomen behind the stomach; this organ is responsible for converting the food which we eat into fuel for our bodies. The type of juice that can be found in the pancreas is called pancreatic juice, which is made up of digestive enzymes.

What is the main functions of the pancreas in a short summary?

pancreas produce pancreatic juice which helps in the digestion of the food and they also produce hormones i.e insulin and glucagon which balances the sugar level of blood.