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Q: The powers that are expressly spelled out in the constitution for the federal government?
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What powers are expressly given to the states by the US Constitution?

State government powers are not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution

What are 3 types of power that the US Constitution delagates to the national or federal government?

1.The Expressed Powers- Those delegated to the National Government in so many words - spelled out expressly in the Constitution.2.The Implied Powers- Those that are not expressly stated in the Constitution but are reasonably implied by those powers that are.3.The Inherent Powers- Those that belong to the National Government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community.

What powers are given to the federal government by the US Constitution?

The 3 powers are:-1) The Expressed Powers - Those delegated to the National Government in so many words - spelled out expressly in the Constitution.2) The Implied Powers - Those that are not expressly stated in the Constitution but are reasonably implied by those powers that are.3) The Inherent Powers - Those that belong to the National Government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community.exe cutitive, judicial, and legislative

How would power be divided between the state and federal governments?

The powers of the US Constitution were clearly "spelled out" for the most part. In order to satisfy statesmen that the Federal government would not have overwhelming power, the Constitution specifies that all powers not given to the Federal government belonged to the States. That is how power is divided between the States and the Federal government.

Do the federal government have authority over state government?

In some areas, yes. States rights are spelled out in the Constitution and issues are often ruled on by the Supreme Court.

Among the broad purposes of the US government spelled out the preamble to the constitution is obligation to what?

Among the broad purposes of the United States government spelled out in the Preamble to the Constitution is the obligation to

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What type of government does Atlanta have?

A constitutional republic as spelled out in the Georgia State Constitution.

What is the federal bureaucracy called the undefined branch?

They are undefined because the structure and system of their power isn't clearly laid out in the Constitution. The Constitution clearly defines the Presidency, the Congress, and the Judicial system for the federal government. However, those that support the three branches aren't spelled out; this has allowed the three branches to delegate their authority to these groups (whether for good or ill) in order to efficiently improve the functions of government.

Briefly describe the powers the constitution gives to the National Goverment?

there are three distinct types of delegated powers: expressed, implied, & , inherent. 1st the expressed power are delegated to the national government in so manny words spelled out expressly in the constitution. 2nd the limplied are not expressly stated in the constituiton but are reasonably suggested implied by the expressed powers. 3rd the inherent belongs to the national government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community.

What federal government does the president head and what branch does this consist of?

Its judial branch and sorry if i spelled it wrong

Which type of congressional powers are clearly spelled out in the constitution?

Enumerated/Delegated Powers - Powers given only to the federal government. Reserved Powers - Powers reserved for state governments only. Concurrent Powers - Powers shared between the state and federal governments. Implied Powers - Powers that Congress has that ARE NOT specifically listed in the Constitution. Expressed Powers (almost like Enumerated/Delegated) - Powers of Congress that ARE specifically listed in the Constitution.