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Q: The prayers and hymns of the Vedas were the creation of what ancient civilization?
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What were ancient hymns and prayers for religious ceremonies?

Its Vedas. I found it in my social studies book.

What were India's ancient hymns and prayers for religious ceremonies?

Its Vedas. I found it in my social studies book.

What was the creation of the vedas?

the creation of the vedas were just pure awsome ;D

What are the vedas and two impotantant Hindu beliefs?

Vedas are the ancient non man made texts available to guide Mankind. Some of the important beliefs are one supreme god & cycle of creation, preservation and destruction of the universe.

What are the two types Shruti writings?

The two types of Shruti writings in Hinduism are the Vedas and the Upanishads. The Vedas are ancient texts that contain hymns, prayers, rituals, and guidance for priests, while the Upanishads are philosophical texts that explore the nature of reality and the self.

What has four collections of prayers magical spells and instructions for performing rituals?

The Vedas.

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What is the holy writing of hinduism?

The holy writings of Hinduism are known as the Vedas, which are a collection of ancient texts that contain hymns, prayers, rituals, and philosophical teachings. They are considered to be divinely revealed and are considered the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.

How is the Vedas used in worship?

The Vedas are used in worship ceremonies by reciting specific hymns, prayers, and mantras from these ancient texts. Priests and devotees also follow the rituals and guidelines prescribed in the Vedas to perform various offerings and rituals to honor the deities. The Vedas serve as a source of inspiration, guidance, and spiritual wisdom for those practicing Hinduism.

What is the source of Indian culture?

Indus valley civilization, Vedas, Upanishads.

What is vedas?

The Vedas are ancient Hindu scriptures with philosophy, hymns, and ritualistic guidelines for the priests of the Vedic religion.

Who was the first man to use numbers?

Well, if you consider Adam to be the first man, Adam was 930 years old when he passed away, so someone was counting even then. See related links below.The Vedas, supposedly the oldest scriptures, are recreated from time to time when necessary, as creation is destroyed again and again, and so it is necessary to recreate the Vedas, and the Vedas use numbers. Numbers seem to be as old as creation is, and if you go by the Vedas, creation is infinitely old. No beginning, no end, if you can conceive of that. Archaeologically the earliest evidence for the use of numbers dates to around 3400BC in Ancient Mesopotamia. Unfortunately, the name of the individual who came up with the idea is unrecorded.