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It's Constructive plate boundary which is often found near north & south america...

The other r





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Q: The region along tectonic plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another is called a?
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What is the region along plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another called?

It is called a subduction zone.

Where are deep oceanic trenches found?

Trenches occur at convergent boundaries when one tectonic plate which is more dense, is pushed beneath another tectonic plate that is less dense. This process is called subduction. Usually where divergent boundaries in the earth's crust are. When faults move apart, they create trenches.<-- no divergent boundaries in the ocean create mountain ridges not trenches

The region along the tectonic plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another is called?

It's Constructive plate boundary which is often found near north & south america... The other r destructive & conservative.. BUT THE ANS IZZZ CONSTRUCTIVE,,,,

What are plates called that are divergent plate boundaries?

Diverging tectonic plates.

What is the area where two tectonic plates called?

Plate boundaries.

What places where tectonic plates separate is called?

Fault lines or plate boundaries.

What is the where 2 tectonic plates meet called?

a plate boundary there are constructive plate boundaries, destructive plate boundaries, conservative plate boundaries and collision plate boundaries

What boundary do subduction zones form on?

Subduction zones form along some tectonic plate boundaries. Of the three general types of tectonic plate boundaries, we will see them form at some (but not all) of what are called convergent plate boundaries.

When do tectonic plates separate one another?

The plates which are constantly moving move apart at divergent boundaries. These are also called constructive boundaries because of the fact that new magma rises here and heals the diverging plates.

Where do ocean trenches occur?

At spreading centers.

What are the large thin plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of earth called?

They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

What is the word for a tectonic plate going under another causing mountains?

That would be called a Normal Fault. Normal Fault is when a tectonic plate appears to have moved down the fault, and the fault is said to be a normal fault.