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club moss

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Q: The resurrection plant is an example of this type of plant?
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Is Naked Ladies and Resurrection Lily the same plant?

yes they are the same plant

Example of a nonvascular plant?

mosses or any other type of bryophyte

Why is the Rose of Jericho called the resurrection plant?

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Is gelling agents halal?

Depends on what type of Gelling agent - could be animal (haram) or plant (halal). For example Pectin is halal because it is of plant origin.

What is the example of a eukaryotic plant cell?

Every plant cell is eukariotic.So every plant is a example

What is an example of a seed plant?

mango is the best example of a seed plant.

Are parasites a type of algae?

No. A parasite is an animal or plant that lives in or on another animal or plant and gets food or protection from it. For example- mistletoe is a plant that grows in a tree, and sucks nutrients from the tree.

What type of asexual reproduction does spider plant have?

A spider plant is an example of asexual reproduction because it creates it own seeds and then someone comes and plants it and then they have reproduced asexually

Is cattail a example of a folklore?

Yes, it is.

What type of a plant is a touch you not plant?

sensitive plant

Will an atheist who is killed by a militant religious fundamentalist get a resurrection?

Since there's no such thing as resurrection, no. No because God sanctions this type of vicious terrorism as a worthy sacrifice in his name.

Can you give an example of cell and sell in a joint sentence?

Plant cell, animal cell, or prison cell? What type of sell also?