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Love is a feeling of pure happiness that lasts briefly. "I love this game" True love is when two individuals see through all their faults, and find happiness in one another.

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Q: The significance and meaning of relationships and love?
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This quote suggests that love requires commitment and dedication from those who want to experience its full power. It implies that to truly benefit from love, individuals must prioritize it in their lives and make it an integral part of their existence. Love cannot flourish in relationships where it is not valued or given the utmost significance.

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"LQ" typically refers to "Love Quotient," a measure or rating of how a person expresses or experiences love. It can be used to assess someone's emotional intelligence or capacity for love in relationships.

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This phrase suggests that someone does not have a negative or pessimistic view of love. They may be hopeful, open-minded, or optimistic when it comes to romantic relationships.

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MU is an abbreviation for mutal understanding. Mutual understanding is important in love and relationships because two people must know where the other stands in terms of life goals.

What is the significance of symbols in the love songs of pro frock?

The significance of symbols in the love songs of pro frock is to point out the theme of the song.

Do you believe in love and relationships?

yes I do.

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Attributing symbolic significance to objects, events, or relationships is known as seeing omens. An omen can be good or bad, and usually foreshadows something that is about to happen.

Where can I find good advice on relationships and love?

The best place to find advice on relationships and love is to ask family and friends for advice, particularly much older family members who have had quite a bit of experience with relationships and being in love.

The meaning of anti-discriminatory practice and how to integrate this into your relationships with the children?

the meaning of anti discriminatary practice is when someone discrminates you and does the whole thing, like race colour and stuff l9ike that ok i love you bye x