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Global warming!! ( AARRGHHH!)

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Q: How deforestation results in a loss of biodiversity?
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What are the problems on a global scale of biodiversity if deforestation continues?

Deforestation results in the Loss of Biodiversity.

What are the main dangers affected in the rainforest?

Deforestation and loss of biodiversity

What are two negative impacts on the environment?

less oxygen and drier environment :)-apex

What are 5 examples of declining biodiversity?

Climate change, deforestation and habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species, and pollution

What is the greatest threat to biodiversity in Latin America?

Deforestation is the greatest threat to biodiversity in Latin America. Deforestation is the clearing of forests on an immense scale.

What term is used to describe the clear-cutting of rain forests for their valuable lumber what often results in species loss?

deforestation - novanet cowboy

What is bio diversity degradation?

Biodiversity degradation, or loss of biodiversity can be caused by: deforestation, climate change, over-harvesting, overpopulation, over-consumption and pollution. Currently, the most threatened ecosystems are found in fresh water.

What are the nagetive human impact on biodiversity?

habitat loss and deforestation are important causes of species extinction over hunting has also been a significant cause of extinction of thousand of species Domino effects , pollution,climate change are important causes of loss of biodiversity this is because of humans people are cutting down the trees for making houses so the humans are having a role in loss of biodiversity

How has deforestation affected modern societys?

Deforestation happens due to the agriculture, search for fuel, search for pasture for animals, and in an effort to settle the ever increasing human population. Deforestation has an effect of increasing soil erosion, desertification, loss of biodiversity and green house effect.

What is deforestation and what are its effects?

Deforestation is the act or process of clearing or removing trees from a forest. People clear forests for farmland, to harvest wood, or make way for housing or building communities.Effects of deforestation:loss of biodiversity (plants and animals)loss of habitatsoil erosiondrought (from loss of watersheds)more carbon dioxide and less oxygen in the air

What are the impacts of forest degradation?

There are various impacts of forest degradation ranging from biodiversity loss, increase in green house gases emission which leads to the green house effect, even soil nutrient loss and a wide range of it.

What effects does deforestation have on the Amazon?

Changes the ecosystem. Negatively impacts biodiversity. --from Apex Learning