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The state of matter is mostly gas and plasma (free moving atomic parts).

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Q: The state of matter of the interior of the sun and other stars?
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Where would you find matter that is in the plasma state?

In the sun or other stars.

What state of matter that exists inside the sun and other stars called?


What is the state of mater found in stars?

the state of matter found in stars is plasma.

State of matter found in stars?


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What is the forth state of mater?

The fourth state of matter is Plasma - the stuff that stars are made of.

How is plasma the most common state of matter?

Because most of the matter is packed into stars, which is plasma.

Are stars rocky?

No, stars are gaseous. More precisely, they are so hot that their matter is in a state known as "plasma".

What is the state of matter called that exists in the extreme heat in the interrior of stars?

Star matter exists in the heightened state of plasma, a superheated state of matter in which electrons are not bound to the atoms as they usually would be.

Is electricity matter or non matter?

Electricity is matter. It is the fourth state of matter called plasma. Stars and lightning are also made of plasma.