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Q: The sun's light has a blank of 186000 miles per second?
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How many miles does light in a second?

186000 mps

What travels at a rate of 186000 mile per second?

Light travels at 186000 miles per second in vacuum.

How many miles a light travel in second?

186000 mps

How fast is the speed of light in a vacuum?

186000 miles per second

What is 186000 miles?

The approximate distance that light travels in one second.

What is the speed of light in a vacuum per second?

186000 miles per hour

Can light travel more than 186000 miles per second?

Yes, light travels at 186,282.4 miles per second in a vacuum.

What travels at appromimately 186000 miles per second?

That is a common estimate of the speed of light in vacuum.

Which vehicle travel 186000 miles per second?

No known vehicle travels at the speed of light.

How is 12 months travelling at 186000 miles per second better known?

As a 'light-year'

Is the speed of sound 186000 miles per second?

No, the speed of light is 186,282.4 miles per second. The speed of sound at sea level is about 0.2114 miles per second.

How fast can light waves travel in a second if it's moving through a vacuum?

Approximately 186000 miles/second or 300000 kilometers/second