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The death stage. It explodes and either collapses into a neutron star or collapses even more into a black hole in space.

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Q: The super-nova is what stage in the life of a star?
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The supernova is the stage in the life of a star?

yes, it is the stage where a star dies and turns into a blackhole

Where does a supernova fit into a star's lifecycle?

A supernova occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle.

What determines which stage occures after a supernova?

No one knows for sure, since there is not enough information to figure it out. After a supernova, the star will either turn into a black hole, a neutron star, or a pulsar. But, there is no scientific evidence that proves which one the star will turn into after a supernova.

Which evolutionary stage of a massive star is called a supernova?

When a star explodes as a supernova, it has finished it's main sequence, is in maturity and when it finally explodes it's in the stellar remnants stage.A white dwarf star is capable of turning into a supernova if the fusion action is reignited. It can also happen when a star starts to collapse.

A supernova reaction occurs in the life cycle of which type of star?

A massive star. Usually any star with more that 9 solar masses will explode as a supernova.

Who named the supernova star?

A supernova is not a single star, but an event that occurs to the most massive stars when they reach the end of their life. Therefore it cannot be named. See related questions for details on Supernova

What is the destiny of the rigel star?

It will end its life as a type II supernova.

What is a black hole made from?

A giant star that ends it life in a supernova

What kind of star is most likely to become a white-dwarf supernova?

A supernova is a star that has exploded into dust and gas. A white-dwarf is a small, hot, dense star nearing the end of its life, that did not have enough mass to go supernova. So the answer is "none".

What determines which stage occurs after a super nova?

No one knows for sure, since there is not enough information to figure it out. After a supernova, the star will either turn into a black hole, a neutron star, or a pulsar. But, there is no scientific evidence that proves which one the star will turn into after a supernova.

What is the Vela Supernova?

Well a supernova is the explosions or death of a star, so the Vela supernova is probably the supernova of the star vela!

Is in what stage?

When a star explodes as a supernova, it has finished it's main sequence, is in maturity and when it finally explodes it's in the stellar remnants stage.A white dwarf star is capable of turning into a supernova if the fusion action is reignited. It can also happen when a star starts to collapse.