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Q: The synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones with the input of energy is called?
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The chemical process by which complex molecules of protein are made from simple molecules is called?

protein synthesis through the process of RNA coding for particular amino acids

What are the processes that break down complex molecules into simpler ones are called?

It's called a catabolic process.

What type of reaction produces two or more products from a single reactant?

The type of reaction that combines reactants to produce larger products is called synthesis. The opposite process of synthesis is decomposition.

What type of reactions use energy to build complex molecules?

An anabolic pathway is a pathway that utilizes energy to build complex molecules. Example of an anabolic pathway is the synthesis of sugar from Carbon dioxide.

Is hydrogen gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane a cellular energy currency?

ATP molecules are essentially cellular energy currency. The hydrogen gradient (or proton gradient as it is technically called) is responsible for the functioning of a protein complex called ATP synthase which in turn is responsible for the synthesis of ATP molecules. Therefore, the proton gradient is the driving force for the synthesis of ATP molecules.

What type of reaction occurs when two or more simple substances combine of form a more complex?

The word for these reactions is synthesis.

What is it called when small molecules build up larger molecules?

This process is called synthesis.

What is the type of reaction that occurs when complex molecules are formed from simpler molecules and water is removed?

The condensation polymerization takes place by removal of water molecules from organic molecules as formation of Bakelite , Terylene and Nylon. in plants starch is also formed by this mechanism from Glucose molecules.

Is the process of building larger molecules by combining smaller molecules.?

It is called anabolism. The opposite process is termed catabolism.

What is a chemical reaction that breaks down compounds into simpler products?

When chemicals are combined or broken down, they go through reactions. The combination is called a synthesis reaction and breaking down is called a decomposition reaction.

Protein synthesis in a cell is controlled by a complex macromolecule called what?


How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions related to monomers and polymers?

Yes! Dehydration is the combining of two or more molecules while producing water. Hydrolysis is the addition of water to a molecule to split it up into smaller molecules. Hydrolysis is to Degradation as Dehydration is to Synthesis. Matter of fact, it is usually called Dehydration Synthesis!