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use a variety of search engines

This is not the correct answer. I thought it might be using a variety of search engines as well when i took my exam, however it is incorrect. The correct answer to this question is

D. Transfers information from one type of program to another

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12y ago

Integration is bring together different elements or units of technology required to produce a service or solution in a way to make them work together seamlessly.

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Q: The term integration refers to the ability to what?
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The term intergration refers to the ability to?

The term integration refers to the ability to bring several unlike processes together to form a single useful process. There is no term that is called "integration."

The term integration refers to the ability to?

Integration is one of the most useful features of current software packages. It refers to the ability to place information created in one type of application into a document created with another type of application.

What does the term integration refers to the ability to do?

There are several kinds of integration. To integrate something can refer to the ability to combine separate parts so that they become a whole; or it can refer to the ability to bring formerly unequal groups (racial, ethnic, religious) into the mainstream, such that they are no longer separate or segregated and are treated the same as everyone else.

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