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Somatic Reflex

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Somatic reflexes

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Q: Reflex that control skeletal muscle are called?
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What reflex prevents a muscle from exerting too much tension?

It's called the stretch reflex and involves muscle spindles which are sensorimotor organs located in skeletal muscle.

Which muscle do you control smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?

You are in direct control of skeletal muscle.

Is a gag reflex a somatic reflex?

No, a somatic reflex are the reflexes of the skeletal muscle movements. The gag reflex is considered to be an autonomic reflex.

Is an effector of a skeletal muscle a somatic reflex?

No its a humungus condom

Is the corneal reflex a somatic reflex or an autonomic reflex?

This particular reflex is autonomic as the affected muscle, constrictor pupillae muscle, is a smooth muscle and not under conscious control. Typically if you can consciously contract the muscle, any reflex associated with that muscle is somatic in nature.

What skeletal muscle cells are the effectors of the withdrawal reflex?

flexor muscles

Type of muscle that can be controlled?

they are called caultonary muscles. YOU want to use them

What type of muscle is controlled by conscious thought?

Skeletal muscles are the only type of muscle in the body under conscious control.

What is cardiac smooth muscle?

There is nothing really called 'cardiac smooth muscle'. Cardiac muscle is striated like skeletal muscle but it is not under your control like skeletal muscle is. It acts more like smooth muscle because of this reason. But we only use the terms smooth muscle, striated (skeletal) muscle or cardiac muscle.

What muscle is primarily under conscious control?

Skeletal muscle

What type of tissue is the skeletal muscle?

Skeletal muscle is a striated muscle used to control movement of specific body parts

What kind of muscle can you consciously contro smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?

There are three types of muscles. Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles are the only ones you can voluntarily control.