

The world record for a kid doing no handed pogo jumps?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Annika S. did 1,256 no handed pogo jumps. 5/12/10

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Q: The world record for a kid doing no handed pogo jumps?
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The world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps is 206 jumps in one minute, achieved by Ashrita Furman from the USA in 2018.

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What is the world record for kids pogo stick jumps?

6.957.000 Jumps I Think A Good Record

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the world record for pogo sticking is: 4,367 JUMPS

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Annika S. got 3 records in one day, she has 5 total and she is 12 years old! The records she got in one day are: the world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps,the world record for the most no-handed pogo stick jumps, and the world record for the most one-legged pogo stick jumps with both hands.

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The Guinness World Record for the most consecutive jumps is held by Ashrita Furman, who completed 33,210 jumps in 2017.

Have you beat a world record before?

I did when I was ten, I beat the record of most jumps on a pogo, but I had no idea at the time0:

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What is is the world record for jumping up and down in one spot?

The Guinness World Record for the most jumps on a pogo stick in one hour is 88,047 jumps, achieved by James Roumeliotis (USA) on July 25, 2019.

What world record could a kid do?

Annika S. got 3 records in one day, she has 5 records total and she is 12 years old! The records she got in one day are: the world record for the most no-handed pogo stick jumps, the world record for the most one-legged pogo stick jumps with both hands and the world record for the most one- handed pogo stick jumps. 5/12/10