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It is possible if he knows you like him. Mostly boys don't know how to deal with such situations, so you should talk to him to break the ice.

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Q: There is this guy and he knows I like him He is very outgoing and he doesn't say anything but hi sometimes Can this outgoing guy actually be shy just around me?
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What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like sometimes can be himself around you but sometimes can't when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers?

it means he likes you

What does it mean when your crush who is outgoing seems to blush sometimes when he is around you?

It means they like you

Can it be possible that the outgoing guy you like sometimes can't be an extrovert only around you because he's embarrassed and shy?

That is possible but sometimes that may just mean he is embarresed to be around you.

How will an outgoing guy who likes you answer you if you ask him out when he is uncomfortable around you?

The only way to know is to ask him and see, though honestly if an "outgoing guy" is "uncomfortable" around you, it's at least a reasonable bet that he doesn't actually like you all that much.... outgoing people don't usually get uncomfortable around people they like.

Why is the outgoing guy only shy around you?

Because when he's with you he doesn't want to say anything wrong so he doesn't say anything at all... My boyfriend is really outgoing and today after school he was really hyper.. So he was all over and talking to everybody BUT ME. His friend told me that is was probably because he didn't want to anoy me.. Haha hope it helped a little (;

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like sometimes can be himself around you like he can talk to you about random things but sometimes can't like he hugs everyone but only waves at you?

He might be to shy but he's not to talk but to touch you.

Will an outgoing guy act more outgoing around a girl he likes?

Yes,because he knows that he has to act like himself around the one he likes.

How do you tell if a lad likes you?

Guy's can be very hard to read sometimes, it depends on if he is a shy person or a outgoing person... if he's shy he will probably just look at you alot and look away when you look at him he might even ask your friends about you, smile at you... sometimes have trouble talking to you... haha sometimes its funny to watch, kinda cute. if he's outgoing then if he likes you he will ask you out, he wont stuff around. hope that helps you..

What does the name Christanity mean?

it means you are smart, outgoing, different funny, you love to laugh, your always up for anything, your the life of the party, and you love being around people.

What does it mean when a outgoing guy stares at you a lot but talkd to everyone even your friend sometimes but you?

Maybe he doesnt know how to start a conversation with someone he likes, maybe he is nervous around you.

How to be popular in class-?

One way to be popular in class is to have a good outlook, be fun to be around, and have an outgoing personality.

How can a girl not get nervous around guys?

Sometimes, it's just the way a person is. But all in all, we're all nervous at times around the opposite sex. Just hang out with more guys, and talk and get more outgoing