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The Emancipation Proclamation officially freed slaves in the United States. It was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln January 1, 1863 after three years of war. It applied only to the states that were in rebellion, so slave holding states like Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and Kentucky or states that had already come under Union jurisdiction were not included.

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Q: This document made freeing the slaves a focus of th war and allowed the free slaves to join the Union Army?
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What was Lincoln's goal for the union?

freeing the slaves

Which statement is truePresident Lincoln wanted to free all slaves at the beginning of the war?

President Lincoln favored saving the Union over freeing the slaves.

What did Lincoln say he was doing with the emancipation proclamation apex answers?

Freeing all slaves in states fighting against the Union

Did Abraham Lincoln see the abolition of slavery as the major goal of the Civil War?

No. Lincoln detested slavery, but did nothing about it; his sole goal was to preserve the union. He believed that ANYTHING that would preserve the union and prevent the confederacy from seceding was proper to do. Lincoln himself wrote that if he could preserve the union by freeing all the slaves, he would do so; if he could preserve the union by not freeing ANY slaves he would do so, and that if he could preserve the union by freeing some slaves and not freeing others, he would do THAT. Which is what he did. The Emancipation Proclamation freed only the slaves within the Confederacy; it did not free any slaves within the areas controlled by the North.

What was the freeing of slaves called?

The freeing of slaves was called emancipation. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation effective 1 January 1863. It proclaimed emancipation (freedom) for all slaves from states then at war with the Union.

What document freed the slaves in the states rebelling against the union?

The Obama document

What were the military plans for the Union?

During the Civil War, the Union army focused on conquiring Southern land and freeing Confederate slaves.

What did licon say he was doing with the emancipation proclamation?

Freeing all slaves in the states fighting against the union

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the union and the confederacy?

it helped by freeing all the states that were fighting in the civil war and all the union states that had slaves


(1862) An order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union; took effect January 1, 1863.