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Queen Latifa

Natalie Portman


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Q: Three famous people that practiced monotheistic religion?
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The main religion practiced by the people in India is Hinduism.

Is the Persian religion monotheistic or polythiestic?

The main religion in Persia (Iran) is Islam. It is a monotheistic religion. Many people use the term "Persian Religion" to refer to Zoroastrianism, which is the historic Persian religion. Zoroastrianism is a monolatrous form of henotheism. It does not fit into the binary of monotheism/polytheism.

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Most of the people in Venice are Catholic.

What famous people practiced Islam?

Abu Bakr.

ARe Arabs monotheistic?

Most Arabs (>95%) are either Muslim or Christian, so yes, Arabs are generally monotheists.

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In the 1700's it would not have mattered what religion Georgia practiced, people had the freedom of religion.

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47% of the people are Roman Catholic.

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Jewish people follow Judaism!