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Tom attacks Myrtle because she questions him about why he does not like when she talks about his wife Daisy. She keeps saying Daisy's name and it makes Tom overreact and hit her

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1mo ago

Tom broke Myrtle's nose in a fit of rage during an argument at a party, as he desired to maintain his control and dominance over her. Tom's abusive behavior towards Myrtle highlights the toxic and dysfunctional nature of their relationship, which ultimately leads to tragic consequences.

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12y ago

When Myrtle kept saying Daisy's name after Tom repeatedly warned her not to, he backhanded her out of rage, but immediately regretted it.

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12y ago

He slaps her with the back of his hand, breaking her nose.

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because she kept mentiong Daisy's name

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11y ago

He hits Myrtle and breaks her nose

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Q: Why did tom break myrtle's nose in The Great Gatsby?
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What page does tom break myrtle nose?

Tom breaks Myrtles nose because she would not stop chanting Daisys name. Tom got furious because Myrtle would not stop, after he had told her to stop.

How does myrtles nose end up broken in Gatsby?

In "The Great Gatsby," Myrtle's nose ends up broken when Tom Buchanan hits her during an argument. Tom is Myrtle's lover and Daisy's husband, and the incident occurs because of Myrtle's taunting and provocation towards Tom about his wife. It illustrates the violent and abusive relationship between Tom and Myrtle.

Whose nose is broken by tom in The Great Gatsby?

Tom Buchanan breaks Myrtle Wilson's nose in The Great Gatsby during a heated argument.

In The Great Gatsby what was miss baker balancing on her nose?

Miss Baker was balancing a light white evening dress on her nose in "The Great Gatsby." This scene is used to emphasize her nonchalant and carefree attitude.

What is the secret about the butlers nose in The Great Gatsby?

In "The Great Gatsby," the description of the butler's nose emphasizes his politeness and discretion. He is portrayed as having a discreet, refined presence, which adds to the portrayal of the luxurious lifestyle in the novel. The detail about the butler's nose plays a subtle role in highlighting the class distinctions and aspirational nature of the characters in the story.

Myrtle's reaction to tom breaking her nose in The Great Gatsby?

She was HAPPY!! she didnt like that Tom anyway!!!

What three things happened in the third story apartment in The Great Gatsby?

The three things that happened in the third story apartment in The Great Gatsby include a fight, a bizarre party, and affair. Tom & Myrtle are having the affair, and Tom breaks Myrtle's nose when she taunts him.

What steps are necessary to reset a broken nose?

You can break your nose by hitting it with a great force. You can try it with your palm which can cause your nose to break.

Form the great gatsby-- why does tom break Myrtle's nose and what does reveal about him?

Tom breaks Myrtle's nose because she mentions Daisy's name, showing his possessiveness and anger towards his mistress bringing up his wife. This reveals Tom's abusive and controlling nature, as he sees Myrtle as his own property and reacts violently to any challenge to his authority.

What page does Myrtle die in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle Wilson dies in Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," not on a specific page as it may vary depending on the edition of the book. She is struck and killed by a car driven by Daisy Buchanan while Myrtle is running away from her husband, George Wilson.

What is put one's nose out of joint?

to break their nose

In The Great Gatsby what word did tom hate?

In "The Great Gatsby," Tom Buchanan hates the word "half-baked." He uses it to criticize Gatsby's efforts to impress Daisy and fit into high society. Tom sees Gatsby as inauthentic and disapproves of his attempt to win Daisy's love.