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maybe about half or more than a half i would say more than a half.

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Q: Total no of students in a school is 1650.70 how many girls are in the school?
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If there are a total of 910 students at a school and the ratio from boys to girls is 4 to 3 how many more boys than girls are in the school?

130 More. Please upvote and make me brainiest.👍

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Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, this is equal to 471/1000 of the school as girls.

What is the percent of girls if there are a total of 300 students and 200 are girls?

662/3% is.

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(assuming I read the question correctly) there are 25 boys and 75 girls.

How many students are girls in Blueprint?

THIS IS NOT A ANSWER THIS IS JUST THE WORD PROBLEM! There are 340 students in Blueprint Middle School, 40% are boys. How many students are girls in Blueprint?

If there are nine boys to every ten girls There are 2622 students at the school How many are girls?

1380 girls.

There are 57 students in school There are twice as many boys as girls How many girls are in the club?

There are 19 girls in the school, or as you may have meant, "club" G = number of girls 2G = number of boys Total = 57 G + 2G = 3G 3G = 57 G = 57 ÷ 3 = 19 There are 19 girls in the club.

What percentage is girls in a classroom of 12 girls and 18 boys and how did you get the answer?

Total students = Girls (12) plus Boys (18) equal 30 ie Girls (12) divided by total Students (30) = .40 multiply by 100 to get percentages =40 %

47 of the students in a classroom are girls. If there are nine boys in the class how many total students are there?


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