

Trade was a major cause of the Italian Renaissance. why?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Trade was a major cause of the Italian Renaissance. why?
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Why did the European Renaissance began in the Italian city-states?

Their location along the Mediterranean Sea made them major centers of trade.

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The Italian Renaissance (note capitalization) is not a genre but a period of Italian history which saw major developments in a variety of artistic genres.

Which statement correctly explains why the European renaissance began in the Italian city-state?

Their location along the Mediterranean Sea made them major centers of trade. :)

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The major TRADE Cities were: Rome, Florence, Venice, Bologna, Naples and Milan.

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There were only two major Renaissances in Europe. There was the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance. If you want to know the differences, there is a link below to help you learn the difference between the two and what caused them to happen in different time periods.

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Could people swim during the Italian Renaissance?

Yes. In fact swimming was a major sport in that time period.

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Cloth, Cotton, Silk, Gold, Silver, and the big on... Wool

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Italian RenaissancePre-early Renaissance = Giotto, Gentile da Fabriano Early Renaissance = Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Uccello, Leonardo da VinciHigh Renaissance = Leonardo da Vinci (not really as he did not follow what was popular in the High Renaissance), Raphael, Michelangelo, early Titian, Giorgione