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Velocity is a vector quantity(it has a direction). Simply use the vector adding method to combine velocities.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Two or more velocities can be combined by using vector addition.

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15y ago

Velocities combine vectorially. A+ B = C, where C^2 = A^2 + B^2 + 2ABCosC where the angle between vector velocities A and B is angle C of the Cosine.

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Vector Addition

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How can you calculate the resulant velcity of two velocities in the same direction?

By adding the two velocities.

How are velocities in the same direction combined?

As the velocities are in the same direction then addition of vectors becomes so easy. We simply add the magnitudes of the velocities. If velocities go exactly opposite, then we get the difference of their magnitudes. If velocity vectors get inclined, then we use the parallelogram law of vectors to get the resultant.

Is there more force created when 2 objects meet in motion or when 1 object is still?

When two objects meet in motion, there is generally more force created compared to when one object is still. This is because when both objects are in motion, they have momentum which adds to the force of the collision. When one object is still, there is only the force of the moving object acting upon the still object.

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Only if the two velocities are equal in magnitude but in opposite directions.

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If there are two or more elements or compounds physically combined, then it can no longer be an element.

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What keeps the planets in orbit about the sun?

The Sun has a powerful gravitational pull. This, combined with the velocities of the planets, keeps the planets in orbit.

What are combined elements?

It refers to any two or more elements which have been combined naturally.

What are two or more substances that are together but not combined?

two or more subsantes (a mixture of substances) !

What are two ways that mixtures differ from compuonds?

Compounds are two or more elements combined on a set ratio, and mixtures are not chemically combined, they are two or more substances mixed together

What is a resultant velosity?

A resultant velocity is the vector sum of two or more velocities (remember that a velocity has both speed and direction).