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Q: Types of memory is tied to the system clock and is designed to be able to read or write from memory in burst mode?
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no. Sorry to burst your bubble.

One burst is how many bits?

One such need is burst length, which is the amount of data transferred ... Flash memory is another popular memory technology used in many computing systems. ...Although DRAMs with a burst length of 4 can be used to transfer 8

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What types of nuclear detonations cause mushroom clouds?

An airburst, surface burst, or shallow subsurface burst. If the burst is too high to entrain dirt or water the cloud will be composed entirely of material from the bomb itself.

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describe a mechanism for enforcing memory protection in order to prevent a program from modifying the memory associated the order programs?

Which is faster EDO memory or BEDO mamory?

EDO memory was developed in the 1990s; burst-EDO was much faster but was hardly used by anyone, before being superseded by SDRAM.

What is the difference between water pressure and air pressure to burst silicon radiator hose?

It will be the same pressure that burst the silicon radiator hose whether you use water or air to burst it. The difference is probably the hose is designed for use with pressured water or use with compressed air.

What is burst mode and cycle stealing mode?

The DMA controller can be used to steal memory cycles from the processor. Hence this interweaing technique is called cycle stealing The DMA Controller may be Given exclusive access main memory to transfer the block of data without interruption this is known as block or burst mode

What type of memory must be constantly refreshed to hold its data?

I believe this is known as dynamic memory. The most common dynamic memory is the RAM in your computer.

What is burst time?

In an operating system, burst time refers to the time that it takes to complete execution of a particular task or process. It is used in CPU scheduling.

What is the disadvantages of DMA?

Advantages of DMAComputer system performance is improved by direct transfer of data between memory and I/O devices, bypassing the CPU.CPU is free to perform operations that do not use system buses.Disadvantages of DMAIn case of Burst Mode data transfer, the CPU is rendered inactive for relatively long periods of time.