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Q: Tyrone is going to be a big fish in a little pond?
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Tyrone is going to be a big fish in a little pond infinitive phrase?

to be a big fish in a little pond

What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence Tyrone is going to be a big fish in a little pond?

big fish, little pondto be a big fish in a little pond

Tyrone is going to be a big fish in a little pond what is the infinitive phrase in this sentence?

big fish, little pondto be a big fish in a little pond

What does poFISHnd represent?

A big fish in a little pond

What is the saying poFISHnd?

big fish in a little pond

In harvest moon more friends of mineral town how do you get fish in the fish pond?

To Put A Fish in the Pond: You hold a fish standing next to the fish pond, then press A to drop the fish in the pond To Take a Fish out of the Pond: Stand in front of the brown sign at the pond. Press A and it will ask you what fish you want. Select the fish and you will be holding it.

Where can i get fish for a fishing pond I'm going to build?

A Wal-Mart, PetCo., or just about any fish store.

What does the idiom big fish in little sea mean?

if you mean Big fish in a little pond, then that is like the oldest people in that society, like say if you are in yr6 at primary school, than someone can say that your a big fish in a little pond. When you go into secondary school, then that same person can say, now your a big fish in a big ocean!

Where on earth is a pond found?

Ponds are smaller versions of lakes. They can range in size from a little fish pond to huge; almost as big as a lake. Our neighbor has a pond and we live in Texas. There are many in Texas.

Where can someone purchase pond fish?

There are many places to purchase pond fish. A local home improvement or garden store will be the easiest place to find pond fish. Also online retailers will offer pond fish.

Why do the fish die when Shrek farts in his pond in the first Shrek movie?

The fish die because of the stench comming from the fart, I tested this out by going into a pond (with no clothes) and then farting, moments later fish came up to the surface, because my farts killed them

Can a fish leave the pond?

If the pond is not deep, the fish can leave the pond. It is important to take good care of them or they will be tempted to leave.