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The annexation of Hawaii under President William McKinley.

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Q: US first acquierd overseas territory during his presidency?
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Which president was the First US acquired overseas territory during his presidency?

William Mckinley

Who was the first president to travel overseas during his presidency?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which president spent the most days overseas during the first two years of his presidency?

James Madison

WHO EXPlored the Louisiana territory when it was bought during Thomas Jefferson presidency?

Lewis and Clark

How many states where discovered during John Adams presidency?

No new states and no new territory was added to the US while John Adams was President.

What challenges did the nation face during Washington's presidents?

The problems that the nation faced during Washington's presidency was remaining neutral, the neutrality proclamation, the French question, Jay's and Pickney's treaties, and the conflicts in the Northwest Territory.

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What was the population during Johnson's presidency?

Maybe the United Sates had a small population during his presidency

Did the Yalta conference take place during Truman's presidency?

no it took place during roosevelts presidency

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No state entered the Union during Taylor's Presidency.

What were Lincolns post presidency activities?

Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency, so he never had any "post-presidency" activities.

Why did the neutrilty acts happen?

The Neutrality Acts happened because many Americans did not want to get involved in an overseas war, especially after the horrific experience of the First World War. The acts were signed during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.