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I wouldn't worry about getting "popular" people to be your friends. I'd just focus on finding people who would make good friends for *you,* popular or not. To that end, just be yourself. If not for sports, go out for yearbook, the school newspaper, art, band, orchestra, debate...there are a lot of other organizations than sports. Surely one them will mesh with your interests a bit. Like-minded people will be in those groups. Same in classes: you'll probably strike up friendships with people in your favorite classes, since you're likely to take similar classes in the future.

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Q: U are a new guy in school you are not good at any sports how do you get popular guys and gals to become your friends?
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I would suggest instead of trying to be the "popular " kid you get yourself one or two good friends and take part in things you like. Music, sports, school clubs and do your work. Working at being "popular " just makes you a phony.

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Do you want to be "popular" or do you just want to have friends? That's what you should ask yourself first. Honestly having a few really good close friends is better then being popular. I'd join a sport or an extra curricular activity at school. Normally putting yourself out there and doing things with the other students at school will get you closer to people and you will get to know a few of them, you will find interests that you both have and make a friend or two. Making ONE friend is the first step, once you make that one friend, other friends will come along. But you need to put yourself out there and join in after school projects and or sports. I wish you luck in this and hope that you find friends that will last a life time. Just remember that A FEW Close friends can be a lot better then being Popular. Real friends are there for you no matter what, fake ones will only use you.

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act cool get in sports grow your hair out DON'T BECOME STUPID AND JOIN THE WRONG CROWD and hang out with her talk to her become friends and try to see what she likes

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