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The people with the most money.

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Private company's own the factories

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Q: Who owns that factories under the system of capitalism?
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Who owns the factories under the systems of capitalism?

Private Companies

In what economic system does the government own most of the factories equipment and agricultural lands?

State capitalism. In Communism there is no government and no buying and selling.

Who owns the companies under the system of capitalism - history?

Anyone can own companies under true capitalism. They can be owned by named individuals, groups, or even numbered accounts ( ie, secretly held).

What is an economic system where the government owns and controls the means of production?


Who owns businesses in capitalism?

s*** does

An economic system is.?

There are 3 economic systems 1 Capitalism (Which is Free Market) 2 Socialism (when the government owns education,communication and transportation) 3 Communism when the government owns everything

In a capitalist system the government owns property and decides how to use it true or false?

In a state capitalist system, the government owns the main means of production and decides how they are used. In other forms of capitalism, private capitalists do so. But all types of capitalism involve ownership and control by the capitalist class.

What is the economic system where the government owns all of the resources and properties?

State capitalism.

What is an economic system in which the government owns most property and businesses and people have little freedom?

Well, the name for this type of system is centrally planned, and one country with this economic system is China.

The family who owns parle factories?

Chauhan family (Vijay and Arup, currently) owns it.

How are private rights related to the system of capitalism?

Capitalism is based on a number of key principles, the most important of which is private property. A capitalist is precisely someone who owns means of production and controls a significant bit of capital, this is founded on private property. If private property is abolished, capitalism cannot exist.

Government owns all means of production?

State capitalism.