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Uranium atomic number: 92

Uranium atomic weight: 238,02891

Uranium number of protons: 92

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Q: Uranium atomic number mass and number of protons?
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What is the weight of uranium?

Atomic mass number = Number of protons + Number of neutrons Number of protons of uranium nucleus is 92. The number of neutrons is different for each isotope. Example for 238U: 92 protons + 146 neutrons = 238

How do you find the number of neutrons in the nucleus of uranium?

Number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus = Atomic mass of an isotope - Number of protons in the nucleus For uranium the number of protons is 92; each isotope has of course a different mass.

What is the no of protons and electrons in the isotope of uranium?

All the isotopes of uranium have 92 protons and electrons.The number of neutrons is Mass number- Atomic number.

List the numbers of protons electrons and neutrons in uranium?

Uranium has 92 protons and electrons; the number of neutrons is different for each isotope: number of neutrons = atomic mass of an isotope - atomic number of uranium (92)

How many neutrons does U-235 have?

Uranium 235 has 92 protons and 92 electrons. To find the number of neutrons, follow this equation: Mass # - Atomic # = # of neutrons. Since the mass number of uranium 235 is 235 and has an atomic number of 92, the number of neutrons is 143.

How many protons neutrons electrons are in uranium -236?

Hi you also need the atomic number of Uranium which is always 92. Then the number of protons is 92 The number of electrons is 92 (if you want the Uranium atom) The number of neutrons is 236 - 82 which is 154.

What represents the number of protons and neutrons in an atom of uranium?

The number of protons is equal to the number of electrons and the atomic number. The number of neutrons is different for each isotope (number of neutrons = atomic mass of the isotope [or mass number] - number of protons).

How many Electrons in uranium 235?

Because the atomic mass of this isotope is approx. 235 atomic units of mass.

How do you figure out mass?

The Atomic Mass or weight of an isotope of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. The number of protons defines which element it is, this is called the atomic number. For uranium for example it is 92, but the atomic weight can be from 233 to 238, and these different versions of uranium are called isotopes. See Periodic Table for more details of all the elements. Add the no. of neutrons and the no. of protons to get the atomic mass.

What is the definition for number of protons in the nucleus of an atom?

The number of protons in neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is defined as atomic mass. The average atomic mass for all the isotopes of an element is given as the element's atomic weight. This is why atomic weights are decimal numbers.

How many electrons in 234U?

92. All isotopes of Uranium have 92 protons. The number of protons in each element is represented by the atomic number of that element. Uranium is atomic # 92, so it will always have 92 protons. The difference in atomic mass (that's the 234 here) is due to difference in number of neutrons. Atomic mass is calculated (#of protons + # of neutrons), so Uranium-234 has 92 protons and 142 neutrons. Uranium-235 would have 92 protons and 143 neutrons and so forth. The number of protons contained in the nucleus of ANY atom will remain constant in ALL isotopes of the same element. Ex. Carbon-12 has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, Carbon-13 has 6 protons and 7 neutrons, etc. Carbon has an atomic number of 6. If the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom were different, it would no longer be the same element. Ex. Carbon - atomic #6 - has 6 protons with one more proton in the nucleus, it would have 7, and have atomic # 7.... then it would just be...... Nitrogen! Nitrogen - atomic #7 - has 7 protons

What is uranium composed of?

Uranium contain 92 electrons and protons. The number of neutrons is different for each isotope.Number of neutrons = Mass number - Atomic number