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Grover Cleveland wanted to lower tariffs rate but congress would not support or help him. Meanwhile Benjamin Harrison wanted tariffs even higher and he signed the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890,which raised tariffs on manufactured goods to their highest level yet.

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Q: Symmetrize the views of Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison on tariffs?
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Which two presidents raised tariffs?

Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison

Why did Benjamin Harrison want to be the president?

The incumbent, Cleveland, proposed a reduction in protective tariffs. Harrison promised stiff protedive tariffs.Democrat party in New York opposed Cleveland's moves to restrict political patronage and did not help Cleveland in New York which went to Harrison and gave him the election.

Where did Benjamin Harrison stand on the tariff issue?

Harrison favored a strong protective tariff. Cleveland wanted to reduce the tariff somewhat.

What did Cleveland's position on tariffs and what did he do to support that stand?

what was cleveland position on tariffs and what did he do to promote this poistion

What was Harrison's position on tariffs?

He raised them by 250%

What did Benjamin Harrison believe in as a president?

As the 23rd President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison believed in a strong federal government and protective tariffs to foster economic growth and protect American industries. He also advocated for civil rights for African Americans and Native Americans, and signed the Sherman Antitrust Act into law to regulate monopolistic practices. Additionally, Harrison believed in a strong military and expanded America's navy during his presidency.

What was the issue during the 1892 presidential campaign?

The 1892 campaign centered mainly on economic issues, especially the concept of a sound currency. Former Democratic President Grover Cleveland was a proponent of the gold standard, while incumbent Republican President Benjamin Harrison supported bimetalism (both gold and silver money are legal tender in unlimited amounts). Cleveland also ran on a platform of lowering tariffs (the Republicans believed in tariffs on imported goods) and opposed the Republicans' 1890 voting rights proposal.

Why did Harrison leave office?

During his presidency, Benjamin Harrison called for higher tariffs, causing a major surplus. He supported giving pensions to Civil War veterans, and he signed in the McKinley tariff, which caused an even higher surplus. Well before the end of his administration, however, the surplus turned into a defecit, leading to the Panic of 1893.

Was Grover Cleveland the us president 2 times?

The first time Cleveland ran for re-election ( 1888) the race was very close- Cleveland actually won the popular vote. Harrison was in favor of larger protective tariffs than Cleveland would support. Cleveland vetoed some bills that would have paid out bonuses to veterans for no good reason. Four years later, the people decided that Cleveland was better for them than Harrison and returned him to office.

What happened to tariffs during Cleveland's second presidency?

he got bootyraped

What was Harrison's position on tariffs and what did he do to support that stand?

Harrison favored protective tariffs to benefit American industries and farmers. As President, he signed the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890, which raised tariffs to their highest level in American history. This move was intended to protect domestic industry but led to higher consumer prices and contributed to the economic downturn of the 1890s.

First democratic president since the civil war and defender of laissez-faire economics and low tariffs?

Grover Cleveland