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garden lizards eat small caterpillars and some eat leafy plants and many more.

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What do lizards eat when they are young and adult?


What do garden lizards eat the most times?

bugs and plants

What do little garden lizards eat?

Some of them do, such as the european slowworm. Most lizards do not eat snails, because they are to hard to crack.

What will garden baby lizards eat?

Lizards that you can find in your garden most likely eat the organisms that the plants send out including bugs,molten material and any other insects you can find in that area.

What do adult brown anole lizards eat?

anything from grub to flies

What do leopord lizards eat?

Mealworms, crickets, and adult leopard geckos can eat pinky mice.

What do green backyard lizards eat?

A Garden Lizards diet consists of fruits and veggies such as... .apples .broccoli .dandelion stems .lettuce (any kind) .crickets .tune fish in a can (my garden lizard loves tuna) .red peppers .and more!!! I have owned 12 garden lizards this past 2 years and i am a vet./pet store owner. For 8 years i have studied reptiles diet. For 2 years straight i have studied a garden lizards diet so i think you would be able to trust me! xoxo love amy.

How do snakes get food?

Snakes get their food from the garden, such as rats, lizards and other small animals.

Can you touch garden lizards?

yes you can touch garden lizards but do not touch it to much or it will end up dying good luck

How garden lizards camaflouge?

garden lizards camoflauge because of there color and the way they where born.Or they camoflauge by staying very still

Can lizards destroy the garden?


Do sales eat lizards?

No, sales do not eat lizards.