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Yes- Lincoln was the 16th president and Cleveland the 22nd.

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6y ago

No, Andrew Jackson was the 7th President, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President.

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Q: Was Lincoln president before Cleveland
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After President Lincoln's assassination, it was along time before a Democrat became a US President. Grover Cleveland was the first Democrat since US President James Buchanan was President. Grover Cleveland won the election of 1884. Cleveland served as 22nd & later the 24th US President. He lost his bid for reelection in 1888. Cleveland ran again in 1892 and was elected US President again.

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no- Lincoln was the only president to hold a patent.

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No, Lincoln was the 16th president and Harrison was the 9th. James Buchanan was the president before Lincoln.

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Before Johnson was Abraham Lincoln. Johnson was Lincoln's vice-president.

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