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Catholic AnswerElizabeth was brought up outside the Catholic Church in Henry VIII's newly formed Anglican Church. She was a strong supporter of the Anglican Church as the Catholic Church never recognized her mother as a wife of Henry and so she, Elizabeth, as illegitimate, could not legally sit on the throne of England.
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Q: Was Elizabeth I a Protestant or Catholic?
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Elizabeth was a in a time when Europe was largely?

Protestant; Catholic

Why was queen Elizabeth the first disliked by Catholics?

Because Queen Elizabeth I was a Protestant, not a Catholic.

Elizabeth was an in a time when Europe was largely?

Elizabeth I was in a time when Europe was largely protestant catholic.

What is the name of religious settlement?

The Elizabeth religious settlement was a middle way between catholic and protestant. More favourable to protestant than catholic

Why Was Elizabeth I a Protestant?

Yes, like her father she was protestant, but during Queen Mary's reign, she pretended to be Catholic

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church?

She was Protestant

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 against the catholic religion?

the pope headed the catholic church and elizabeth was a big supporter of Protestantism

Was the religion of Queen Elizabeths 1st Catholic or prostant?

The reforms of the Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth I made it more Protestant.

Did  Elizabeth make England Catholic?

No Elizabeth did not make England Catholic that was he sister Mary I as soon as Mary died Elizabeth became queen and wanted to change the country back to Protestant.

Who combined the Catholic and protestant to come up with Anglican church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo one, the Catholic Church cannot be "combined" with anything. The Anglican Church is a protestant church that was formed by Henry VIII as he left the Catholic Church and then it was established by Parliament under his daughter, Elizabeth I.

Is Queen Elizabeth II protestant or catholic?

No. While Queen Elizabeth did keep certain Catholic symbols, such as the crucifix, she was Protestant. Strong proof of this is the fact that she, according to Catholic law, was illegitemate, and thus would not have been able to take the throne. However, at least publically, she was mostly pragmatic in her relations with religion.

What religion was Elizabeth's 1 sisters and brothers?

Mary was catholic yet Edward was protestant