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Q: Was God called Father before the Birth of Jesus?
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What happened on the milestone before Jesus' birth?

Before Jesus's birth. The Almighty had sent prophets to the world,

Before the birth of Jesus?

The question is not at all clear.What before Jesus?

Are you sure Jesus father call god?

Yes God is Jesus father. Jesus called him so.

Foster father of jesus?

Jesus had a foster father called Joseph, he was a carpenter by trade.

What does Joseph represent in Jesus birth?

it represents that he is the father I THINK

What is the name of the feast that celebrates jesus conception?

The conception of Jesus, called the Annunciation, is celebrated on March 25, nine months before the celebration of His birth at Christmas.

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What are the 6 weeks before Easter called?

It is called lent, jesus prayed during lent for 40days and 40nights to his father during the temptations of satan.

What do the abbreviation BC mean?

before Christ ( before Jesus's Birth)

Did Mary got marry jesus father?

Yes Mary did marry Jesus earthly father called Joseph.

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Before the birth of Jesus Crist.

Who visited Mary before Jesus birth?

After Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds were the first to visit him, according to the New Testament. The angels announced the birth to the shepherds, who then went to see Jesus in the manger.