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Yes, and sort of.

There are two representations of the lineage of Jesus Christ. They are recorded in Matthew, chapter one and Luke, chapter three.

Keep in Mind that the Israelites kept detailed records of birth records but only recorded the "fathers" name.

It was important to be able to trace the direct ancestors in order to prove that he was the Messiah. The promise of a seed was made only to Abraham and David, so they both had to be in the ancestral lineage of the Messiah.

In Matthew's account, The Bible writer was recording his lineage through Joseph and in this account we see Solomon.

(Matthew One)

1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: 2 Abraham became father to Isaac; Isaac became father to Jacob; Jacob became father to Judah and his brothers; 3 Judah became father to Pe′rez and to Ze′rah by Ta′mar; Pe′rez became father to Hez′ron; Hez′ron became father to Ram; 4 Ram became father to Am·min′a·dab; Am·min′a·dab became father to Nah′shon; Nah′shon became father to Sal′mon; 5 Sal′mon became father to Bo′az by Ra′hab; Bo′az became father to O′bed by Ruth; O′bed became father to Jes′se; 6 Jes′se became father to David the king. David became father to Sol′o·mon by the wife of U·ri′ah; 7 Sol′o·mon became father to Re·ho·bo′am; Re·ho·bo′am became father to A·bi′jah; A·bi′jah became father to A′sa; 8 A′sa became father to Je·hosh′a·phat; Je·hosh′a·phat became father to Je·ho′ram; Je·ho′ram became father to Uz·zi′ah; 9 Uz·zi′ah became father to Jo′tham; Jo′tham became father to A′haz; A′haz became father to Hez·e·ki′ah; 10 Hez·e·ki′ah became father to Ma·nas′seh; Ma·nas′seh became father to A′mon; A′mon became father to Jo·si′ah; 11 Jo·si′ah became father to Jec·o·ni′ah and to his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon. 12 After the deportation to Babylon Jec·o·ni′ah became father to She·al′ti·el; She·al′ti·el became father to Ze·rub′ba·bel; 13 Ze·rub′ba·bel became father to A·bi′ud; A·bi′ud became father to E·li′a·kim; E·li′a·kim became father to A′zor; 14 A′zor became father to Za′dok; Za′dok became father to A′chim; A′chim became father to E·li′ud; 15 E·li′ud became father to El·e·a′zar; El·e·a′zar became father to Mat′than; Mat′than became father to Jacob; 16 Jacob became father to Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.

In Luke's account, technically he is tracing Mary's lineage, but he uses Joseph's name (although it was Mary whose father was Heli).

Luke 3:23-38

23 Furthermore, Jesus himself, when he commenced [his work], was about thirty years old, being the son, as the opinion was, of Joseph, [son] of He′li, 24 [son] of Mat′that, [son] of Le′vi, [son] of Mel′chi, [son] of Jan′na·i, [son] of Joseph, 25 [son] of Mat·ta·thi′as, [son] of A′mos, [son] of Na′hum, [son] of Es′li, [son] of Nag′ga·i, 26 [son] of Ma′ath, [son] of Mat·ta·thi′as, [son] of Sem′e·in, [son] of Jo′sech, [son] of Jo′da, 27 [son] of Jo·an′an, [son] of Rhe′sa, [son] of Ze·rub′ba·bel, [son] of She·al′ti·el, [son] of Ne′ri, 28 [son] of Mel′chi, [son] of Ad′di, [son] of Co′sam, [son] of El·ma′dam, [son] of Er, 29 [son] of Jesus, [son] of E·li·e′zer, [son] of Jo′rim, [son] of Mat′that, [son] of Le′vi, 30 [son] of Sym′e·on, [son] of Judas, [son] of Joseph, [son] of Jo′nam, [son] of E·li′a·kim, 31 [son] of Me′le·a, [son] of Men′na, [son] of Mat′ta·tha, [son] of Nathan, [son] of David, 32 [son] of Jes′se, [son] of O′bed, [son] of Bo′az, [son] of Sal′mon, [son] of Nah′shon, 33 [son] of Am·min′a·dab, [son] of Ar′ni, [son] of Hez′ron, [son] of Pe′rez, [son] of Judah, 34 [son] of Jacob, [son] of Isaac, [son] of Abraham, [son] of Te′rah, [son] of Na′hor, 35 [son] of Se′rug, [son] of Re′u, [son] of Pe′leg, [son] of E′ber, [son] of She′lah, 36 [son] of Ca·i′nan, [son] of Ar·pach′shad, [son] of Shem, [son] of Noah, [son] of La′mech, 37 [son] of Me·thu′se·lah, [son] of E′noch, [son] of Ja′red, [son] of Ma·ha′la·le·el, [son] of Ca·i′nan, 38 [son] of E′nosh, [son] of Seth, [son] of Adam, [son] of God.

Joseph was a descendant of David's through Solomon and Mary came through his son Nathan.

See attached links for more information.

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