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Not a great deal is known about Nazareth in the time of Jesus and it is continues to be debated whether a town even existed until long after his childhood. The town certainly existed by around 80 CE, since it is mentioned several times in Matthew's Gospel, which most New Testament scholars now date to the 80s of the first century.

Whether Nazareth existed before 70 CE, when Mark's Gospel was written, is less certain. In the original Greek language, this Gospel contains only one reference to Nazareth, which some scholars consider to have been interpolated much later. In some English translations, Mark refers to Jesus of (or from) Nazareth five times (Mark 1:9,24; 10:47; 14:67; 16:6). However, in the original Greek, four of these references actually refer to Jesus the Nazarene (Ναζαρηνοῦ). Now, calling someone a Nazarene could arguably mean that he is from the town of Nazareth, but also there was a sect known as the Nazarenes and this could also have meant that Jesus was a leader of the Nazarene sect.

Wikipedia describes the state of Archaeology in Nazareth, indicating that no worthwhile evidence of a settlement has yet been found from the time of Herod or the start of the first century CE. We must wait for further evidence.

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I think it was south of Galilee.

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Nazareth did exist at the time of Jesus.

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