

Was cochin a Dutch colony

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Was cochin a Dutch colony
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When the English oust the dutch from their colony what did they name it?

The Dutch colony of New Amsterdam became the English colony of New York.

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dutch..he was from belgium

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The Dutch never settled the Connecticut region.

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Yes, they sold different spices and gold during 1979 and was a dutch colony!

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The Dutch sold their colony of New Amsterdam to the English, and this colony eventually became New York.

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The answer is that it is dutch

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The Dutch called this colony New Amsterdam.

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New York

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The english seize the dutch colony of new netherland by driving the dutch out of new netherland. P.S this might be wrong

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New Amsterdam was a DUTCH colony. founded by Petert Stuyvesant. Subsequently it became New York.