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No one knows for sure how they died, but the biggest theory is that they died when a giant meteor hit the earth.

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Q: Was it lava that killed the dinosaurs?
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How do we know that climate change killed the dinosaurs?

The lava hit the douisours

Did the lava killed all the dinosaur?

No, millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs ruled this Earth; a meteorite hit the sea, causing a gigantic explosion to spread across the in less that 10.5 seconds. However, an explosion isn't made of lava. It's made of varies of gases. Think of it like a spark. BOOM. A little spark wouldn't get far, would it? I gigantic explosion would, though. I suggest you try making your question a bit clearer, using the right words. You asked: Did the lava killed all the dinosaur? It should be: Was it the lava that killed all the Dinosaurs?

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what is your conclusion about what killed the dinosaurs

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No one knows what killed the dinosaurs.

What was in earth before humans?

Bacteria, dinosaurs, and lava are some examples

What kills dinosaurs?

The dinosaurs died out different way The dinosaur from the late triassic died out by the envirmont changing Dinosaur from the Jurassic died out by a flood Dinosaurs from the cretaceous died out from lava and a comet.

What is dibromoethene?

it's what killed the dinosaurs.

What really killed the dinosaurs?

some predict the the dinosaurs died of a big asteroid.

What is a tar pot?

that's what killed the dinosaurs

Has lava killed anyone?

Yes, of course.

What destroyed the dinosaurs habitat?

The dinosaurs were killed by a very, very large rock called a woodwind.

Was it only the meteorites who killed the dinosaures?

Actually volcanos and meteorites killed the dinosaurs the crater hit Mexico and volcanos all over the world were the dinosaurs lived